EPISODE 130: The Path to Self-Actualization: Anchoring in Your Body and Vision

  • Welcome to the Tao Po Podcast. I'm your host, Po Hongyu, aka Big Red, aka Po, aka all kinds of nicknames because Po pretty much goes with everything. I'm a mystic, a spiritual guide, a medicine woman, and a somatic energy healer. My soul's work is to guide people back to the wisdom that lives in their bodies and to heal unprocessed pain, so they can have the space to cultivate their gifts and then radiate their light and their work out into the world.

    Everything I teach is based on the foundation of Taoism with an emphasis on Yin, which is feminine energy. It's the internal, the deep, the dark, the soft, the surrendered, and the receptive energy that is arising in the collective.

    In this podcast, you'll receive soul treats in the form of three kinds of episodes that support this time of awakening. Inner child alchemy sessions, solo transmissions from my heart, and conversations with people where we explore the full range of topics that make people human and divine. I hope you enjoy. Let's get into it.

    Hello, hello, everyone. Welcome back. Oh my goodness, you guys, I cannot believe that it is the last episode because I've been showing up every week for over two years doing this podcast, and it has been so powerful for me. Even on the weeks that didn't feel like showing up, it just felt really good to lean into my edges of being visible.

    If you listen to episode number one, I talk all about that, but that's what's happened for me. I have really expanded my capacity to be seen and heard and teach and transmit and connect with you all and share my heart with you, share my story. I so appreciate you for being here and sharing my episodes with your friends or on social media.

    I really, really hope that it has served you in some way. Yeah, you might not get rid of me that fast because I'm considering starting a YouTube channel, and if that's the case, then those episodes will be uploaded into this podcast. Things are always moving and shaking over here. You never know what's going to happen. Stay on your toes. Stay on your toes, but definitely stay in the loop by signing up for my email list and following me on social media.

    All the links are below so you can do that. But yeah, I'm really bad at saying goodbye, you guys. Every group program I have, I'm like, I don't want to say goodbye because it's like, this is so intimate. I just love intimacy.

    I love connection. I'm a big old mush basically, just like bottom line, I'm a big mush. But I have a few announcements before I get into my last transmission for at least this era.

    It feels like it's the end of the era and a new era will begin. First of all, I created a resource for you all. It's a free resource. It's for microdosing called Microdosing 101, the Ultimate Beginners Guide.

    There's a link below where you can download it. It's all the information that you won't find on Google. It's reliable, it's comprehensive, and it's clear. I hope it really supports you. Within that guide, you'll see a link that will lead to another page where you can buy a digital course that I'm in the process of creating.

    It'll only be $99. That course is called the Art of Microdosing. It will teach you how to create an intentional and effective microdosing practice. If you want to get on the list for that, just follow the process of downloading this PDF, and you'll have everything you need. I'm glad because I wanted to leave you with a free resource. I've been creating it. I've been putting so much love into this PDF.

    I really feel like it's going to give you a lot of the answers that you've been wanting regarding mushrooms and microdosing and all that stuff. That's that. Next announcement is coming home to you.

    It's starting next week on Thursday, the 3rd. I was recently on Rachel Rogers' podcast. She's a business coach if you don't know who she is. She coached me on my business. It was really life-changing. I don't even know how else to say it in an eloquent way.

    It's just that's what it was. She literally flipped my business upside down in the best way possible. She recommended that I streamline my business to one offer. I'm going to be focusing on one-on-one clients moving forward. Coming home to you is going to be, I'm not going to be offering a group program in the near future. I'm not sure when it's going to happen. If you've been desiring to work with me, this is the time. This is not a scarcity tactic.

    This is real. I honestly don't know when I'm going to be creating another group program. Between coming home to you and my April retreat, those are the last two group programs or experiences that you'll be able to sign up for.

    Please do if you've been feeling the call. Those links will be below too. You can get all those links below. I really hope to connect with you in one of those spaces. Coming home to you is life-changing. I'm not just saying that these women have transformed completely.

    One woman no longer has any anxiety. They've been speaking up for their needs. They're speaking their truth. They're connected to their confidence on a whole new level. Their orgasms are getting more juicy. Their relationships with their partners are changing and becoming more intimate and connected.

    They're not as reactive on their kids. It's just been such a powerful, powerful, transformative experience. If you've been desiring to be rebirthed, this is your time. What better time in the fall and winter months, which is the Yin time, the Yin seasons. This is Yin work that we do. Really awakening your feminine energy, awakening your feminine power, really allowing yourself to surrender and soften and letting go of all that shit. The overwhelm, the overthinking, the scarcity, the disconnection. This is really about opening up to receive on a whole new level. That happens by cultivating mental fierceness and creating healthy boundaries, speaking up, but also opening up your heart so you can heal those wounds, those inner child wounds, and release the resentment and alchemyze your anger and allow yourself to actually have it by doing the deeper work. That's what coming home to you is. It is a deep dive.

    It is a rebirth portal. I am so excited that seven of my clients from the last cohort are renewing. That's how powerful this work is, you guys.

    People want to stay in and do this work because they have transformed their lives. I hope to hear from you if you're interested in it. Schedule a call with me and we can talk about it.

    I can answer your questions, or you can just buy it from the website. That's that. All right.

    Let's get into the transmission. The work that I do is really about elevating your energy. This isn't about bypassing, obviously, because the work I do is about being with where you are, letting the energy move and trusting yourself in the process. Ultimately, this is so that you can elevate your frequency.

    The vibration of you gets to elevate the more that you're able to be in your body, the more anchored you are in yourself. This requires surrender. This is all about surrender. This is what I'm going through. I just talked about being on Rachel Rogers podcast.

    That has been a process for me. I had a pre-vulnerability hangover, which means that I started feeling some vulnerable feelings before the podcast even came out. I was like, ah, oh my God. Everybody's going to see me on this episode and it's on video and my business is out there, literally my business. I had to do the work that I teach. I let myself drop into my body, feel the sensation, surrender to what is, open up to the next level. We don't just do this work because we want to heal our wounds. We're healing also because we're ready to elevate. We're ready to feel that next level of joy or presence or peace, the freedom that we desire.

    That was the case with me and her on her podcast. I'm like, okay, I had that pre-vulnerability hangover. I had to feel the feels. I had to really work with my mind to understand that this is really not about holding myself in a place of distraction. Let me break that down for you. Basically, I realized in a wrote a post about this that I was creating multiple offers, offer after offer as a way of distracting myself from my greatness, you guys. Does that resonate? How often have you distracted yourself by adding more things to your plate? It's all a subconscious tactic, a sneaky subconscious tactic to avoid the potency of whatever it is that you want to create, your vision.

    That's what I was doing. So juicy. I love this because I help people create flow in their life. Coaches need coaches, then mentors need mentors. She was able to see something in my life that I wasn't able to see because it's hard to see your life when you are in your life.

    That's why we all need support and guides. I feel this shift in me, the spaciousness because now I get to focus on one offer. I get to focus on one thing versus always having to keep creating and just constantly doing. And I feel this deeper sense of freedom and life felt pretty free in general.

    Things aren't perfect, but I know how to move through life and listen to the undercurrents and my intuition really surrenders to life. And so this was me in that process. When she gave me that coaching and I agreed to it on camera, I was like, oh, shit, I have no back doors. It was me having to surrender to it, to actually say yes to it on a deep level. And there's going to be times in your life and maybe you're in a time right now where you're like, oh my God, I don't know if I can show up for this. I don't know if I can surrender to it. I don't know if I can allow for this next level of me to arise because I'm afraid. I'm afraid of what it means to be my most self actualized self.

    What it means to be my most successful self. I talked about this in the post around abandonment wounds. And what I realized was that I was distracting by creating all these offers because subconsciously, it was my way of not elevating. I was keeping myself.

    It was like sabotaging essentially, right? Because if I rise to the next level of success, then the fear is right, this is the subconscious fear, my inner child fear is that I'll leave people behind or people will reject me because they're jealous or they'll project all their shit on to me, right? And so either way, it's about being alone, that fear of being left alone. And I know for myself and probably for you, there was a moment where you felt alone, like after my rapes, after the divorce of my parents and my family split apart. It was so traumatizing because I was alone. I didn't feel like I had anybody to hold me or support me.

    And so our inner children will literally do anything to hold on to feel like we're not alone. And so that was my way of doing that, right? If I can stay at this level where I'm at right now and not rise above, then I won't shake the boat. Do you know what I mean? Like I won't shake the boat. People won't be intimidated by me.

    They won't judge me. I could just stay small. And obviously I'm not small, but when I say that, I can stay at this level, right? I'm like, oh, this is enough.

    No, it's not for me, right? I'm always going to up level. I'm always going to break the glass ceiling in the next one and the next one. And so it was so powerful for me to be coached by her because it forced me to look at what was happening.

    Why was I distracted, right? Oh, that's right. I have these abandonment wounds.

    Oh my God, that's right. I don't want to lose friends, right? But the truth is, when we rise, there's always going to be people who you lose, unfortunately. And I'm not saying that like just lightly and gently, like it's hard for me. I have a lot of grief that has come up recently around this, right? It's really fucking hard because I love people hard.

    I'm very loyal. But when they start projecting their stuff, or they're unable to support or unable to love me where I am, then it's just like, it cracks something. Like there's a separation that happens. And unfortunately, I won't be able to keep all the friendships, right? And that's in, but the beautiful part is that I'll be able to attract new people into my world that are on the same energetic wavelength, right? But that's, that's been the thing, right?

    That's the thing that has been holding me back. And, you know, I'm a successful business woman. I've been for over 20 years, but I have been around the same income level, right?

    Multiple six figures. But, you know, my level has gone up in the last year. So before, and it's going to be completely transparent, when I was in my acupuncture business, I was making around $200,000 a year. Now, above that, you know, but I can feel that in order for me to hit seven figures, I need to heal this wound.

    I need to allow myself to streamline my business so that I can focus on one offer, but also so I can let go of all that resistance and storyline and conditionings that have been holding me back. And that also means showing up in a whole new way, right? Like as we release these wounds, as we release those conditionings and stories, then we are asked to rise at another level, right? Being more fierce with our mind, being more focused and intentional in our work. Like what I've noticed since that interview is that I'm so much even more committed to my practice, right? I'm not willing to fail.

    And I've always had that fire in me, but I definitely have my moments of like, oh, can I do this? But then we get to practice. We get to practice visualizing. We get to practice holding our vision for ourself and believing in ourself and trusting ourself and trusting the universe, trusting that when we are in alignment with our mind, body and spirit, then the divine magically creates serendipitous moments and miracles to happen, right?

    I've seen it happen in my life over and over again and I know you have as well. And so that's why we do the deeper work is so that we can declutter and create space within our body and in our minds so that we can open up to receive what it is that is for us, right? Whether it is a partner, a lover, a client, creation, whatever, a home, whatever it is. And so this is about being so fucking fierce. And that doesn't mean that we are forcing. And so I wanna make that really clear because the work we do in my world is all about that yin and yang flow. And so that fierceness that I'm talking about is like being mentally fierce, right? And that means, oh, I'm holding the vision for myself with fierceness, like I'm holding it like I would hold a baby, like I'm not dropping that shit, right? Like I'm committed, I'm devoted to this vision.

    There's nothing that's going to stop me from creating it, period. That's the fierceness that I'm talking about. Also the fierceness is around, having boundaries with your ego, right?

    When all the stories come up, because they will, because anytime we up level, all your stories or trauma is gonna come up, all the things are gonna wanna block you from rising up. That's what happens when we expand our capacity, right? We stretch and we stretch into the unknown, we stretch into the discomfort.

    And that has to happen, right? But we need to be willing to be in that discomfort. And so, noticing our mind and the stories that are happening is so important and having a boundary with them, right? Not buying into those lies and being willing to say, no, that's not true, right?

    And not demonizing your ego either. Instead, can you befriend it, right? And see it and notice it, but not fuel it, right? Don't add fuel to the fire, cause that's what I call addiction to suffering. When you are like believing the lies and not only are you believing it, you're like egging it on, you're like creating illusions and fantasies in your mind of all these things that are not true, right?

    And it just makes you feel worse and worse. So, when I talk about fierceness, it's like there's a boundary, there's a line that you have created that you're like, this is my vision, this is what I'm creating, this is what I'm unavailable to, and this is what I desire, and that's that. But then the softness, right? There's a softness that is a part of this work, right? Allowing yourself to be gentle, to not force yourself to do anything, to allow yourself to be, right? Cause it's always in the process of being, then we can do, and then we can have.

    Being always comes first. And so you're unable to be unless you're able to, you know, be present and soften and be gentle. And that's how I work with my clients too, as I hold their vision fiercely, but I work with them gently as needed. Sometimes I'll be more straight and direct, but like, beholding them in their process with a lot of compassion.

    And so, for you to be able to hold yourself with compassion, because a lot of times, people are just like, trying to bulldoze into making a vision happen. And yeah, that can work, but how fulfilled will you be? You know, what is your inner state like?

    You know, are you actually feeling good in that process? You know, it's so much easier to float downstream than push upstream. And so this is really about allowing yourself to just float downstream, to allow it to be in flow, allow more ease. And that's what I'm doing for myself by focusing on one offer, you know, creating more ease and flow for myself in my business.

    And so noticing where we're like creating these resistances to flow, how are we making it harder? That's what Rachel was saying. Like she's like, you're complicating things, Po. And I was like, oh, shit, I guess I am.

    Right? Like I was like, my manny gen in human design, like I'm constantly wanting to create because there's always new ideas, but it's true. Like the more that I'm creating these different offers, it's harder for me to have space to really focus on the bigger vision. And, you know, I was in the process of creating a micro dosing program and I had to put that on hold.

    It was going to come out this fall and I committed to putting it on hold. And I even had a support coach that was, you know, joining me in on this project. And I had to make that executive decision. I had to be a CEO and make a decision that was going to be most in service to my greater good as well as the greater good of my clients. And so the focus is to prioritize filling up with my one-on-one work.

    And then once I get to a certain point, then I will create that other program which I can grow and scale, right? And, you know, this is just one example. Like I'm sharing my personal example to hopefully support you in seeing how you might be doing this, how you may be overcomplicating something in your life. You might be adding things in and distracting yourself. And it's a way for you to block your, you know, evolution or bringing in more money or bringing in whatever it is that you are desiring.

    Like how are you blocking it? And, you know, it's again, it's so funny because I felt like in the last few months, I've been so busy like working, creating the structure of my business and creating these different offers. And when she said that on the podcast of like, let's streamline and simplify, my whole body exhaled. I felt relief. And that was my word last year was to simplify and somehow I diverted. I don't know what that, what happened, but like I complicated it again because that's what happens when we have a trauma that's living in our nervous system where, you know, there's a subconscious pattern, right? So, you know, let this be a teaching for you to see if there's a pattern like seriously, like last year I simplified. And then I complicated it again after that. That's because my nervous system was, you know, attaching to, was activated, was afraid to let go into upleveling.

    Whenever we have a subconscious programming, you'll keep seeing a pattern showing up over again, even though you might be conscious of it, right? So when she said that on the podcast, I thought to myself, holy shit, how did I get here? Like it's because that abandonment wound needed to be released. And I needed to really, you know, alchemize this last piece of being afraid of being abandoned by people who, you know, care about me or feeling like I might be leaving people behind. And that's the work of the rescuer. You know, I've been, I've talked a lot about the rescuer identity and victim consciousness.

    And that's something that I have been shedding for the years. And now by focusing on this one offer, I get to really release the remnants of my rescuer because there's a part of me that wants to help everybody. But if we do that, we deplete ourselves, right?

    That's why there's so many people out there who are doing healing work, therapists, social workers, people out there on the front lines, and they're so depleted because they're wanting to save and rescue everybody, but then not putting their mask on first, right? And so this is essentially what I'm doing, but not as extreme because, you know, I don't feel depleted, I feel good, but this is me up-leveling, right? Every time we up-level, we're going to need to really reevaluate our identity, what we're identifying as, what our limiting beliefs are, up-leveling those beliefs, doing the nervous system and somatic work so that we can expand our capacity.

    And so, you know, this isn't a one and done process. We're always going to have to do this work every single time we're ready to break a new ceiling. We're ready to elevate to, you know, that next level every single time. And so, you know, I wanted to bring this experience so you could see, like, I'm very successful, I do very well, life is good, but there's always another one, and it's not because I'm striving, it's because it's the natural evolution, right? The divine wants us to expand. The divine is here to help us in this path, in this journey of opening and rising. And so, it actually, you know, is easier to expand because that's our natural, that's the natural way, right?

    That's the natural way. It actually takes more energy to block ourselves and to resist the natural unfolding and flow. And, you know, we do that all the time, just like in, you know, a small example, if you're feeling grief or sadness and you don't let yourself feel it, you're blocking the flow. It's natural to cry or it's natural to feel the grief when something comes up, but if you are shoving it down, you're actually putting a wall there for your healing, which therefore puts a wall to your expansion, right? It is natural for the energy to move, emotions are energy. We need to allow that to flow in order for us to continue to expand in our evolution, right?

    It's just, it's part of what we need to do, but so many people are constricting and controlling and not allowing the natural unfolding. And I get why, because it's uncomfortable. It's uncomfortable to grow.

    There's growing pains, right? Before the rebirth comes death, right? Yin is the death, yang is the rebirth.

    And so, you know, that's why I love this Coming Home to You program. It's all about the yin energy. You need to allow yourself to die in order to be reborn. And it's gonna happen over again, right? It's this like that same cycle of yin and yang, death and rebirth is going to be over and over in your life. It's not just a one time thing. And so the more that you can, you know, be in this process and learn how to surrender to that ebb and flow, to that yin and yang flow, to that death and rebirth flow, then you'll be able to do it again the next time, even easier, and then the time after that easier, and so on and so forth, right? And so, Coming Home to You is a great way to learn how to surrender to that flow so that you can incorporate that in your life moving forward for years to come. Because that's really what it is, like flowing downstream.

    So many people are trying to, you know, swim their way upstream. And it's like, no, that doesn't actually work. It doesn't work. It actually exhausts you.

    It depletes you and it makes you overwhelmed. And so, you know, this is my invitation to you to awaken your yin energy, to awaken your feminine energy, to finally let go, right? Let go and trust. Trust in yourself, trust in the process, trust in the universe, and really align with your vision and know that it's possible, especially when you're being guided in a way that's holistic, that is gentle. Because that 1% of the time you guys works miracles.

    My clients came in in despair or hopelessness and really have tried decades worth of therapy and coaching and programs, but never were able to shift in the way that they did in this program. And it's just, it's the truth. That's what they told me, right? And so, if you are ready to make that shift, and it's sustainable by the way, it's not, you know, it's something that always lives with you, like I was saying, you always have access to this once you receive the wisdom of it. Once you connect with your body, once you connect with your truth and your voice, you can never lose it again. It just becomes who you are. You become embodied, right? So that's what we're doing starting next Thursday.

    So DM me, if you have questions, it would be an honor for me to guide you and support you. Yeah, I don't even know what else to say, you guys. Like, I don't know how to end this. I love you. I love you. And I hope to stay connected with you.

    I hope that this transmission has been supportive for you. I feel like it's been all over the place, but, you know, I like it messy sometimes, and hopefully you're able to get a nugget, you know, really see what's really important. Maybe you can see a way that you've been distracting yourself.

    See a way that you have been living in an abandonment wound. Maybe you've been keeping yourself small because you're afraid to shake things up in your family or in your life, or you're afraid of people, you know, really seeing how powerful you really are. That is really probably the thing that the women that come into my world are scared of the most. It's like really embodying that power, but like afraid that other people can see their power, right?

    Because women have historically made themselves smaller to make other women comfortable. And that's not what we do in my world. We lean into the edge and show what's true, share our power, share our grief, be witnessed in all of it, right? And that's how we expand in community. Oh my God, the sisterhood in coming home to you is so, so amazing, and it is life changing to be able to be seen and witnessed and heard in your realist form, in whatever is coming up for you.

    So if you are craving community right now, you're craving to be held, you're craving to heal those deeper wounds that you know are holding you back, now is the time, all right? All right, y'all. Until later, I don't know. Let's see, I'll see you in social media land.

    I'll see you maybe in YouTube. I love you so much. Thank you for being here. Thank you for tuning in. And feel free to keep sharing my podcast with people because it's gonna live here forever.

    And so you'll always be able to come back and listen if you need extra support, you know? So yeah, okay, you guys. Love you all. Till next time, whenever that is.

    Thank you so much for tuning in.

    If you enjoyed this episode or received insight from it, I wanna hear about it in your words. Feedback powers the show, so here are three ways that you can support the Tao of Po. One, hit the subscribe button so that you never miss an episode. Two, share your biggest takeaway from this episode on Instagram and tag me.

    I absolutely love seeing and reposting your stories. Three, leave a review on Apple Podcast. This is the ultimate way to support the show and it takes less than a few minutes. And I also love shouting out my reviewers on solo episodes. Or if you're a Spotify listener, rate it with a quick click. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting the show and I will see you next Wednesday in another episode of the Tao of Po.

In this episode, I explore the journey of elevating your energy and frequency by becoming fully anchored in your body and mind.

I dive into the process of surrender and examine how often we unknowingly add distractions to our lives to avoid confronting our true potential.

This subconscious self-sabotage, often fueled by fear of becoming our most successful and self-actualized selves, can keep us stuck in patterns of over-complication and resistance. 

I also get into the deeper emotional work necessary to clear the mental and emotional clutter that blocks our path to growth.

By releasing these old wounds and creating space within ourselves, we open up to receive what is meant for us. 

Join me for this guide to unlocking your potential, tapping into your power, and embracing the flow that leads to your highest self. 

I dive into: 

- How to let go of resistance and allow natural flow 

- The importance of setting boundaries with your ego while holding yourself with compassion 

- Strategies to release patterns of self-sabotage, and invite the ease of evolution and growth 

- Understanding how fear of success and self-actualization can trigger avoidance behaviors 

- Practical steps to cultivate fierceness in your vision without falling into over-complication

- And more 

Get my FREE resource, Microdosing 101: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide: https://microdosingintro.com

Learn about my Coming Home to You Membership: 


The Soul Renewal Retreat, an intimate, fun & nourishing retreat, where nature and healing meet cozy chic luxury (April 2025): https://www.taoofpo.com/soul-renewal-retreat 

Connect with me and let’s go deeper: 

Website: https://www.pohongyu.com 

IG: https://www.instagram.com/pohong.yu/ 

FB: https://www.facebook.com/pohong.yu/ 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pohongyu/

Did this episode impact you?

I’d love to know what moment touched or inspired you. Let me know in the comments section below, or share the episode on social media and tag me in your stories @pohong.yu!


EPISODE 129: From Control to Flow: Awakening Your Feminine Energy