About Po-Hong

(Big Red)


Create a deeply meaningful life through the art of surrendering, cultivating mental fierceness & feeling safe in your body.


I teach you how to love the fuck out of yourself and how to listen deeply vs forcing and controlling. And taking action based on the inner wisdom that arises from the spaciousness that is created from softening.

As a result, my clientโ€™s transformations are miraculous and ever expanding.

I am so grateful for my dad, who is a Taoist enlightened teacher, and my stepdad, who was a Grandmaster of Martial Arts, because they taught me everything I know about this ancient philosophy and way of life.

And as an acupuncturist, I learned how yin and yang related in the body because Chinese medicine is based in Taoism.

As you can see, my life path led me to do what I do today. Below you can read more about how my mom, dad, and stepdad inspired me in my purpose work.


Interesting facts about me before I gush about my parents:

My Top 5 Clifton Strengths are: Activator, Empathy, Strategic, Responsibility, Futuristic.

Iโ€™m known for my loud and uncontained laughgasms that arise from the depths of my belly.

I became an acupuncturist in 2011 and specialized in the connection between physical symptoms and emotional pain.

Iโ€™m highly sensitive and started tapping into my intuitive gifts around age 8.

I call myself a practical mystic because Iโ€™m very grounded and love efficiency (by going to the root cause), while being deeply connected to energy, nature, and the Divine.


Where I come from:

I had a unique upbringing with parents that were unconventional, brave, and rooted in spirituality.

The web that connected my mom, dad, and stepdad was their devotion to being of service, their relationship with energy, and trusting the flow of it.

Their medicine is a part of me and I am so grateful for their impact on my life and my work, and how they continue to inspire me.

Learn more about them belowโ€ฆ

About my lineage

My Mom: Badass Leader & Brave Soul

My mom had such a fire burning in her and lived life to the fullest. Observing how she fearlessly followed her intuition and created new expansive opportunities for her family and community gave me so much permission to follow my dreams. Because of her, I always go for it. Plus, I got my deep belly laughs from her and we would cackle together at the top of our lungs.

My Dad: Ex Jesuit Priest Turned Taoist Enlightened Teacher

My dad has been my spiritual teacher since I was young. We would talk about spirituality and energetics for hours in my parentโ€™s laundromat. He taught me how to be an alchemist and a space holder with his transmissions on surrender and love and by the way he held and guided me in my darkest moments.

My Stepdad: Grandmaster & Chinese Medicine Doctor

I feel so blessed that I had such an intimate relationship with martial arts and herbal medicine because of my stepdad. It's a deep-rooted part of me that has informed my life in so many ways. His ability to facilitate healing and work with Qi  inspired me to be a healer. And witnessing his generosity of service impacted me deeply.

Ready to work together?

Sign up for my FREE 9 day Activate Your Authenticity Masterclass to learn about my Coming Home to You incubator and to be transformed.