Transformational Coach,

Microdosing Guide &

Somatic Healer


I help high-performing CEOs and Founders live in flow, experience true freedom, and create intimacy in their life


Hi, I’m Po-Hong (aka Po)

My mentorship guides you towards emotional-mastery, full-expression, and living your most authentic life.

As an acupuncturist, I am grounded in a holistic, practical yet spiritual, and neuroscience-informed approach to healing and expansion.

If you've tried mindset work, therapy, or spiritual practices but still lack flow or fulfillment in your professional or personal life, it's time to rewire your brain, regulate your nervous system, and heal from the root.


 You’re going to love it here if you desire to:



You’ve been resistant in one or more areas in your life (relationships, work, sex, etc) and can sense that it’s time to trust, let go, and receive.

be seen

You’re ready for the next level of evolution in life, sex or work, and intuitively know that opening up to being seen in your authenticity, vulnerability, and power is a key piece for you.

be embodied

You’re seeing evidence in your life that it’s time to go deeper and shift from mental consumption and understanding to embodied healing and living.


Let’s get started!


Coming Home to You: Begins Oct 3rd

A game-changing 6 month program for women that desire to heal their heart, speak their truths & transform their relationships.

Work with Me Privately

Custom journeys for high achieving and high net worth women that are ready to expand to the next level of fulfillment, impact, and intimacy.

Soul Renewal Retreat: April 4-11

For women who are ready to expand, receive, embody, and celebrate their true selves. Join us for an intimate, fun, nourishing retreat, where nature and healing meet cozy chic luxury. Maximum 15 women.

Tao of Po Podcast

A space for the deep, the real, the raw, and the potentially hilarious and irreverent. Join me for weekly episodes where I share heart transmissions or guests share their personal stories.