Po-Hong Yu

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EPISODE 088: The Journey to Worthiness: Healing Her Father Wound with Aleya Harris

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In this episode, Aleya shares deeply with us about her father wound and her journey to worthiness. We dive into some of her childhood trauma and how it’s impacted her relationships & self-worth, the subtle ways we can dismiss our “little T” traumas, and the catalyst that released her inner child from waiting around for someone to save her. 

Ready for a powerful story of healing trauma patterns and finding worthiness after wounding? Join us for all these juicy nuggets of wisdom. 

We dive into: 

  • Aleya’s childhood trauma & its impact on her self-worth 

  • How her desire for belonging showed up in her life 

  • “Big T” and “Little T” traumas, and why we can’t ignore the tiny cuts 

  • Childhood resentment & releasing victim mentality 

  • Aleya’s powerful turning point after an experience with Ayahuasca 

  • The big shifts in her relationships - attracting her man & finding healing with her mother

  • And more 

Aleya Harris, CPCE is the spark for your sparkTM. She is a powerhouse StoryBrand Certified Guide, BioEnergetic Business Consultant, empire-building CEO of The Evolution Collective Inc., host of the Radical Rebirth Retreat, LLC, host of the award-winning Flourishing Entrepreneur Podcast, and international award-winning speaker. She’s committed to helping entrepreneurs, executives, leadership teams, and thought leaders differentiate themselves through radically authentic strategy, coaching, and training. 

Website: www.aleyaharris.com 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aleyaharris/ 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aleyaharris/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thealeyaharris 

Podcast: https://www.aleyaharris.com/podcast 

Me on her podcast: https://www.aleyaharris.com/podcast-episodes/83?rq=po-hong

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